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OCT 2019

Writer's picture: GC MuseumGC Museum

Updated: Oct 12, 2021

Est. 1972

ABN: 97 487 695 909


Museum Address:

8 Elliott Street

Surfers Paradise Qld 4217

Postal Address:

PO Box 800

Southport BC Qld 4215

Welcome to the President’s October Report.

Elizabeth is adding a toy display. Do you have any old tin, metal or wooden toys, toy soldiers, dolls, teddy bears or old games that you no longer require?

Peter Ravenscroft 07 32894470 from Samford would like to know if any person has any information on the Stradbroke Spanish Galleon. Please call Peter if you have any.

St Hilda’s students who visited us in February, are still talking about their experiences at the museum.

Our three endangered swamp orchids are in full bloom and look spectacular.

We have planted 26 native trees that were grown by the Friends of the Gold Coast Botanical gardens.

Most of the gardens have been mulched to save water and make weeding easier.

The sprinkler system in the rainforest has been upgraded by installing a new branch line to give better coverage.

We have purchased a native beehive and are now waiting for the bees. We expect to get them in November.

Sponsorship for tree signs is progressing well with two life members purchasing two signs along with other members. We are now researching the botanical information as well as taking photos of trees, flowers & seeds to finalise the designs (we will use our own photos).

Hazel Phillips display of memorabilia was popular with visitors.

Why not join us at the museum for a cuppa, any Sunday, Tuesday or Wednesday and inspect what we have been doing? Or if you can, you may like to assist us on Sundays?

Visitor numbers this financial year to date have increased by 45%. Hours worked by volunteers increased by 21.5%.

By the way have you renewed your membership fees?

We have a few Tuckeroo trees for sale at a member’s special price.

David Leitch President Phone: 0421 490 035

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