Est. 1972
ABN: 97 487 695 909
Museum Address:
8 Elliott Street
Surfers Paradise Qld 4217
Postal Address:
PO Box 800
Southport BC Qld 4215
Welcome to the President’s Monthly Report.
Have you read “The Pacific Cable Centenary” booklet? It is an insight into the history of the Cable Station, with the laying of the cable in 1902, completing the link from England to Australia (Narrow Neck Gold Coast). We have plenty of copies to read on site or for purchase.
News in Brief:
Bob Musgrave has negotiated a reduced power rate for the museum. It will save us a considerable amount.
The large refrigerator has been removed, giving cataloging volunteers a larger work area.
Displays in the Elliott building have been rearranged which have opened up the area. The Cable Station display is now visible from the entrance.
We had 168 visitors through the gates in February. Volunteers worked 456 hours this month. A wonderful effort considering the hot weather.
We hosted the “Heritage Voice” meeting, where we discussed issues with other museums including Military museums, Family History Society and museums from Tambourine to Coolangatta.
65 St. Hilda’s School students, teachers and parents visited us on the 26 Feb. The children loved the visit and where often heard to exclaim, “cool” when looking at old implements in Dolan’s Barn. They loved the rainforest, Miss Lizzie’s presentation, and the old typewriters.
Mr John-Paul Langbroek has offered the museum a branded marquee which will come in very handy for group visits and events.
Volunteers are needed to help with:
* We still need help with volunteers for Sundays to meet and greet visitors. Can you spare one Sunday a month?
* As the typewriters with school visits have been so successful, we decided some should be in working order. Is there any person with the knowledge to repair typewriters?
Garden and maintenance:
A working bee is needed in the Rainforest to clear weeds and upgrade name plaques.
Why not come and join the volunteers for morning tea, any Tuesday or Wednesday?
David Leitch President
Phone: 0421 490 035 Email:
PS. If you do not wish to receive future newsletters please email me.